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篇名 Primary Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Prostate
卷期 6:2
並列篇名 原發性攝護腺移形上皮細胞癌
作者 高育琳吳錫金楊啟瑞陳禮平張吉隆張兆祥賀昊中歐宴泉林合興張元耀
頁次 103-107
關鍵字 攝護腺移形上皮細胞癌間質侵犯prostatetransitional cell carcinomastroma invasionTSCI
出刊日期 199506


原發性攝護腺移形上皮細胞癌是一個臨床上罕見的疾病。它被定義為攝護腺發生移形上皮細胞癌時,在泌尿道上皮沒有前發性或是併發性的移形上皮細胞癌。從1992年1月至1994年12月,我們收集了四個原發性攝護腺移形上皮細胞癌的病例,發生率佔了同時期攝護腺癌的2%。追縱的時間為6個月至33個月。攝護腺肥大的症狀及顯微鏡下血尿是臨床上最常見的微候。尿液的細胞學檢查、血清的攝護腺特異抗原、組織學檢查及單株抗體免疫組織化學染色在攝護腺移形上皮細胞癌及腺癌的鑑別上是必要的。三個病人在診斷確定時,已發生間質侵犯(STROMA TNVASION)而間質侵犯是一個不好的預後因子。對於發生間質侵犯的原發性攝護腺移形上皮細胞癌,根除性手術或是輔助性化學治療加上根除手術是最佳的治療方法。


Primary transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the prostate is a rare entity, and implies no preexisting or synchronous TCC of the urinary tract. From January 1992 to December 1994, four patients with this condition were newly diagnosed at this Hospital. This constitutes 2% (4/193) of all prostate cancers in the same period here. The follow-up period ranged from 6 months to 33 months. Prostatism and microscopic hematuria were the most common clinical presentations. Urine cytology, serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) level, histology including immunohistochemical staining with PSA monoclonal antibody are necessary to differentiate TCC from adenocarcinoma of the prostate. Three of these patients already had invasion to the prostatic stroma when diagnosed. Stroma invasion is a poor prognostic factor. Radical surgery or systemic chemotherapy combined with radical surgery should be the treatment of choice for the stroma invasion in cases of primary TCC of the prostate.
