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篇名 Prevalence and Risk Factors of Urinary Incontinence in Community-dwelling Women in the Taipei Area
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 台北地區社區成年婦女尿失禁的盛行率及危險因子之評估
作者 余宏政季瑋珠丘祖毅
頁次 24-31
關鍵字 prevalenceurinary incontinencerisk factorsTSCI
出刊日期 199403


為了解台灣社區婦女尿失禁的盛行率及危險因子,本計劃對台北地區(包括台北市中正區、台北縣三芝、貢寮及金山鄉) 18歲以上的成年婦女抽樣,由公衛學生進行訪視,有效樣本為818例。189人(23.1%)在過去12個月中有過尿失禁。就尿失禁的種類而言,144例(75.4%)是屬於應力性尿失禁。急尿性尿失禁及混合型尿失禁的比例較低(9.5%及7.4%),且較多發生於60歲以上的老年人。尿失禁主要的危險因子包括高齡、自然生產次數( ≧ 3 ),流產次數( ≧ 2 ),及母親有尿失禁者。而有尿失禁的人,其他排尿問題(如頻尿、解尿困難)和便秘的發生率也比沒有尿失禁者高( p<0.001)。全部尿失禁的受訪者中,只有34例(18.4%)曾經尋求醫療幫助,大部份的人(82.5%)認為尿失禁是一個小問題而不在乎它,另外有一部份的人(13.5%)覺得就醫並不會改善其症狀。由於社會結構的改變,老年的人口正逐漸增加,尿失禁的問題也會越加普遍。我們希望經由這個研究,提供社會大眾、醫療人員及衛生當局有關連失禁流行病學方面的資料,期望能對於此一問題的預防及治療有所助益。


The prevalence of urinary incontinence in the community-dwelling women in this country is not known. A survey, representing as multi-stage sasmple of 82,678 women aged 18 years or older, was conducted in the Taipei area from Janurary to June, 1993. A total of 818 cases were interviewed by trained students. One hundred and eighty-nine (23.1%) of the respondents reported to have had some degree of incontinence in the preceding 12 months, 28(3.4%) reporting regular incontinence. Most presented with stress urinary incontinence, whereas urge incontinenced and mixed type incontinence were more commonly seen in the elderly group (age 60 years or older). The risk factors of urinary incontinence included age, mumber of vaginal deliveries ( ≧ 3 ), number of abortions ( ≧ 2 ) and maternal history of incontinence. Voiding symptoms (irritative or obstructive) and constipation were significantly more prevalent among respondents with incontinence than those without (P<0.001). Only 18.4% (34 cases) of those with urinary incontinence had sought medical help. The most common rationale was that either the incontinence was not thought of as abnormal (82.5%) or treatment would provide little benefit (13.5%). As the aged population continues to grow, the incidence of urinary incontinence and the ensuing problems (physical, psychosocial, and economic) are expected to be more frequent. This survey, therefore, is of importance to citizens, medical professionals, and health authorities.
