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篇名 台灣南部地區尿路結石流行病學之研究
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 The Epidemiology of Urolithiasis in Southern Taiwan
作者 李瀛輝張心湜陳明村黃榮慶
頁次 1-7
關鍵字 尿路結石流行病學盛行率TSCI
出刊日期 199403


本研究藉由郵寄問卷調查方式,從事台灣南部地區 10567居民之尿路結石流行病學之調查。扣除地址錯誤、出國與搬家等因素;寄出有效問卷10330份,實際回收卷1220份,回收率11.8%。我們之研究結果顯示南台灣20歲以上成年人當中,8.93%曾罹患尿路結石。在109位結石病患中,51.3%至少住過一次醫院,29.3%曾接受手術治療。大多數病人(91.7%)不知道自己罹患結石之成份亦未採取有效之預防措施,此點要較已開發國家差得許多。這些病人之結石復發率為63.3%。南台灣居民中,以司機、耗費體殙之勞工、外務員、商人、公務員與坐辦公桌之職員較易罹患尿路結石,此點暗喻了工作環境、生活形態及及社會經狀況等因素在尿路結石形成之機轉中亦扮演一角色。總結而言,尿路結石一如高血壓與消化性潰瘍乃南台灣居民相當常見之疾病但是大多數民眾缺乏正確觀念來預防結石復發。因此,除了手術治療外,亦應多注重結石之衛教工作,正確教導病人如何預防尿路結石。


An epidemiological study of urolithiasis was carried out by means of a postal questionnaire to 10567 southern Taiwan inhabitants. The result in dicated that 8.93% of the population of Southern Taiwan may encounter at least one episode of urolithiasis. Of 109 urolithiasis patients, 51.3% had more than one admission and 29.3% received at least one surgical intervention. Most patients (91.7%) didn’t effective preventive measures, this figure is relatively higher when compared to that of developed countries. The overall stone recurrence rate in these patients was about 63.3%. Drivers, laborers, salesmen, merchants, government employees and sedentary office workers are prone to urolithiasis than other inhabitants. It implied that working environment, social and economic standards of living may play a role in the pathogenesis of urolithiasis. In summary, urolithiasis like hypertension and peptic ulcer are very common disease in Southern Taiwan. Most people lack correct concepts to prevent stone recurrence. Thus, besides surgical intervention, urologist should pay more attention to teach patients how to prevent stone recurrence.
