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篇名 A Comparison of Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz Procedure versus Endoscopic Suspension of the Bladder Neck for Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence
卷期 4:3
並列篇名 Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz手術與內視鏡膀胱頸懸吊術對於女性應力性尿失禁治療的比較
作者 陳鉅淮謝輝和余燦榮楊文洲徐淳建
頁次 1119-1123
關鍵字 urinary incontinencestressTSCI
出刊日期 199309




Forty-three female patients, diagnosed as having stress uninary incontinence, were treated from 1987 to 1991 with two different surgical procedures. The Marshall-Marchetti-Karantz (M-M-K) procedure was used in 14 cases and endoscopic suspension of the bladder neck, in 29 cases. Four of the 43 cases were lost to follow-up. Thirty-nine patients were follow-up was 18 months. The nineteen of 27 patients (70%) receiving endoscopic suspension of the bladder neck had much improvement. However, results were better in all 12 patients receiving M-M-K procedure, as compared to endoscopic suspension of the bladder neck. Comparable complication were experienced in both groups. In conclusion, the M-M-K procedure was a very effective procedure for treatment of female stress urinary incontinence, although endoscopic suspension of the bladder neck is still in frequent use.

