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篇名 膀胱疝氣-七例分析
卷期 2:3
並列篇名 Bladder Hernia - Analysis of Seven Cases
作者 吳東霖陳明村林信男陳光國李瀛輝張心湜
頁次 551-554
關鍵字 疝氣膀胱攝護腺肥大TSCI
出刊日期 199109




Herniation of urinary bladder is not an uncommon disease. In our series, it occurs in 0.9% of all inguinal hernia in men over 50 years of age. From May 1987 to June 1988 we had treated 7 bladder Hernia, only one patient had the typical “two-stage urination,” the others were nonspecific complaints. According to standing IVP films or cystogram, 4 patients were diagnosed correctly before operation, the other three were found unexpectedly after injury of unrinary bladder during hernioplasty. According to the classification, there were 3 paraperitoneal, 2 extraperitoneal type herniations, one cannot be identified druing operation and one cannot be identified during operation and one patient did not receive surgical intervention. The treatment consists of reduction of herniated bladder. With or without partial cystectomy, and hernioplasty.

