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篇名 Occult Blood in the Feces after Extracoporeal Shock - Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL): A Preliminary Study
卷期 1:4
並列篇名 體外震波碎石術引發腸胃道損傷所致之糞便潛血現象:臨床病人研究初報
作者 于大雄張聖原閻中原楊泰和王曉暹蘇忠仁馬正平
頁次 264-268
關鍵字 extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsygastrointestinal damageoccult blood in the fecesTSCI
出刊日期 199012




A prospective study was conducted to evaluate the occurrence of occult blood in the faces in 48 patients after receiving extracoporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL) treatment. This study showed that occult blood in the feces could develop in 53 per cent of patients (10/19) with left renal stones, in 27 per cent (3/11) with bilateral renal stones, and in 11 per cent (2/18) with right renal stones. There was no direct relation between the patients's weight and the development of occult blood in the feces. The incidence of occult blood in the feces was closely related to the number and intensity of shock waves. Higher intensity of energy given, but to the anatomic position and gas-fluid effect of the stomach. The presentation of occult blood lasted less than 48 hours and was reversible. To our knowledge, this is the first repost in literature on the detection of ESWL-induced gastrointestinal damage with occult blood in the feces int clinical patients. (J Urol R.O.C., 1:264-268, 1990)
