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篇名 Hemostasis in TURP by Hydrostatic Pressure
卷期 1:3
並列篇名 應用水壓在前列腺刮除術的止血法
作者 陳腓力林文州
頁次 175-180
關鍵字 hemostasishydrostatic pressuretransurethral resection of the prostate TSCI
出刊日期 199009




Hemostasis plays an important role in the success of transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). One hundred consecutive patients with resected adenoma over 10 grams were included in this study. The urinary draining bag was intentionally elevated to 30cm. above the patient immediately after TURP as to effect an increase of intravesical pressure overcoming the critical intravascular pressure. The average weight of te resected adenomas was 23.5gm. (range 10-80 gm.) Recheck of hemoglobin and hematocrit on the first post operative day revealed an average drop of 0.42gm% (range 0-2) and 1.82g (range 0-5.5) respectively. Four patients required endoscopic blood clots evacuation and checking of bleeders. Eight patients required blood transfusion – seven intraoperative and only one postoperative. Postoperatively catheter was removed after 3.6 (range 2-8) days on the average. None of our patient had any significant clinical urinary tract infection or fluid and electrolytes imbalance. (J Uorl R.O.C., 1: 175-180,1990)
