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篇名 Transrectal Ultrasonic Cystourethrography in the Evaluation of Stress Urinary Incontinence
卷期 1:3
並列篇名 使用經直腸膀胱尿道超音波造影術以評估應力性尿失禁
作者 許悌張世忠郭漢崇
頁次 197-207
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 199009


近二十年來雖用以評估女性應力性尿失禁之方法迭有更新,然而卻沒有一種是非宗合乎理想的。經直腸超音波膀胱尿道造影術的發展,使得女性應力性尿失禁的研究,評估和處理,得以更上一層樓。經直腸超音波膀胱尿道造影術之特點有:(一)花費較少,合乎醫療成本概念。(二)無須使用含碘造影劑,減少了藥物過敏性休克的可能性。(三)避免放射線的暴露和照射。(四)檢查步驟簡單,準確度亦高。我們只須在超音波之造影下,測量”後尿道膀胱角”在休息和腹壓增加下的角度變化,即可證實病患是否屬於應力性尿失禁。如果”後尿道膀胱角度”在無腹壓之情況下呈現150度之鈍角,而在瞬間增加腹壓時,其角度更形增大15度以上,並伴隨尿液之失禁,則 ”應力性尿失禁” 之診斷迨無疑義。此外,平時亦可運用於膀胱頸懸吊手術之時。在超音波之指引下,將”後尿道膀胱角”矯正成90-100度,一則可獲致令人滿意之尿液禁制,再則更可避免術後尿液瀦積的困擾。


Although various assessment modalities for stress urinary incontinence have been developed in the past 20 years, a simple, sensitive and reliable method is virtually lacking. Transrectal ultrasonic cystourethrography has now become an attractive alternative to the evaluation of stress incontinence. The advantages of ultrasonic cystourethrography over that of conventional chain cystography are (1) more cost effective, (2) no contrast medium is needed, (3)avoidance of radiation exposure and (4) simple, yet sensitive and reliable. The posterior urethra-vesical angle measured by transrectal ultrasonic cystourethrography during resting or abdominal straining is proven to be a highly sensitive index to the diagnosis of stress urinary incontinence. An increment of 15 degrees or more in posterior urethra-vesical angle on abdominal straining in a case whose resting anle is more than 150 degrees indicates an abnormally increased mobility of the bladder base-urethral axis and hence denotes the existence of stress urinary incontinence. (J Uorl R.O.C., 1: 197-207,1990)

