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篇名 In Vitro Radiosensitivity Assay of Human Urologic Malignancies
卷期 1:3
並列篇名 人類泌尿道惡性腫瘤於體外對放射線感受性之測定
作者 張聖原于大雄馬正平葉明陽
頁次 208-217
關鍵字 體外放射線感受性人類泌尿道惡性腫瘤in vitroradiosensitivityhuman urologic malignanciesTSCI
出刊日期 199009


利用液態培養基法(liquidmediumculture)合併染料排除法,我們自76年4月至77年3月一年間共測了54例各種泌尿道腫瘤細胞於體外對各種不同放射劑量(100,200,400,600,800 Gy )放射線照射後之反應情形,其間包括了細胞生長曲線,Do(37%存活率之放射線劑量),Dq(閾值劑量),n(補插值劑量),及有2Gy劑量細胞存活率等之測定。總共有31例泌尿(testicular tumors);2例攝護腺癌(prostate carcinoma),1例腎臟麟狀上皮細胞癌,1例腹膜後纖維組織細胞癌retroperitoneal fibrohistocytoma)。測定結果發現相同組織型態之腫瘤其個別之放射線感受,包括Do(劑量細胞存活率(0.001-0.900)皆有明顯差異。這些測定值在泌尿道移形上皮細胞並、腎臟麟狀上皮細胞癌、睪丸癌及攝護腺癌彼此間亦無豊著差異。但是唯一之一例腎臟麟狀上皮細胞癌卻具有最高之2 Gy劑量細胞存活率(0.90)。四例睪丸原發性腫瘤中,有三例(75%)之2 Gy劑量細胞存活率皆低於0.20。雖然這些數據資料頗為吻合目前所提出之假說,即臨床腫瘤之放射線治癒率(clinical radiocurability)極可能與體外測試2 Gy劑量細胞存活率高低相關。無論如何,希望由個別腫瘤之基礎來探測2 Gy劑量細胞存活率,是否真的與臨床腫瘤放射線治癒率相關,在目前仍是不可能的,因為原發腫瘤尚無法提供足夠之臨床數據,但以此胡法仍可在臨床上對癌症病人腫瘤放射線感受性之預測上,提供一輔助性之參考。


The in vitro radiation sensitivity of cells isolated directly from human urologic tumor surgical specimens was studied using the liquid medium culture cultre and trypan blue dye exclusion test. Aerobic cell survival surves were achieved for thirty-one transitional cell carcinomas, fourteen renal cell carcinomas, five testicular tumors, two prostate carcinomas, one squamous cell carcinoma of the kidney and one retroperitoneal fibrohistiocytoma. The Do (0.10-3.20 Gy), Dq(0.10-1.90 Gy), n (1.0-7.0) as well as the surviving fraction at 2.0 Gy (0.001-09) differed significantly among individual tumors of the same histological type. Neither of these parameters was significantly different for the transitional cell carcinoma, renal cell carcinoma, testis and prostate tumor categories. However, the only case of squamous cell carcinoma of the kidney presented the highest surviving fraction at 2 Gy (0.9) than the other tumors. Three out of four primary testicular tumors (three seminomas, one yolk sac tumor) showed surviving fractions at 2 Gy lower than 0.20. (J Uorl R.O.C., 1: 108-217,1990)
