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篇名 經典的重構:論呂祖謙《呂氏家塾讀詩記》在《詩經》學史上的承衍與新變
卷期 42:1
並列篇名 Lü Zu-qian’s Inheritance and Innovation within the History of Studies on the Book of Songs
作者 黃忠慎
頁次 045-077
關鍵字 呂祖謙《呂氏家塾讀詩記》朱熹《詩經》漢學《詩經》宋學Lü, Zu-qian 呂祖謙Lüshi Jiashu Dushi Ji 呂氏家塾讀詩記Zhu Xi 朱熹Han School of Book of SongsSong School of Book of SongsTHCI
出刊日期 201203


南宋呂祖謙(1137-1181)的《呂氏家塾讀詩記》是「尊《序》派」之名作,它採集 解體式,以《詩序》的詮釋為理解詩義的核心,並掌握其時代精神,著重《詩經》學探 求義理的意旨闡發,對於《詩經》經典的重塑有其建樹。近代對此書出現兩極化的評 價:一方評論其解《詩》態度過於保守,無法突破《詩序》窠臼;另一方卻認為該書不 僅反對《詩序》,突破過去對《毛傳》與鄭《箋》的解釋,依此呂氏絕非篤守《詩經》 漢學傳統者。筆者根據呂書內容,重新詮釋其於《詩經》學史上的承衍與創新,並以統 計數據結合經學動態發展史的觀念,推翻上述兩極化的評價,指出《呂氏家塾讀詩記》 不但掌握時代脈絡與思潮,將《詩經》三百篇賦予時代意義,還總結《詩經》漢學與宋 學的義涵,完成此一「尊《序》派」的《詩經》學著作。


Lü Zu-qian’s 呂祖謙Lüshi Jiashu Dushi Ji 呂氏家塾讀詩記 from the Southern Song Dynasty is a masterpiece of the Shi Xu 詩序School, adopting the style of “collecting various annotations.” Lü gathered interpretations of the Book of Songs by many scholars from the Han Dynasty to his time. His understanding of poetry was based on Shi Xu, but he had his own valuable reconstruction of the Book of Songs. However, modern scholars are polarized in their views of Lüshi Jiashu Dushi Ji. Some criticize Lü’s comments on the Book of Songs as being too conservative and not breaking away from Shi Xu. Some, on the other hand, believe that Lü not only opposes Shi Xu, but also that his interpretation represents a breakthrough compared to Mao Chuan 毛傳 and Zheng Jian 鄭箋, and therefore Lü is certainly not a traditional scholar who sticks to conventional studies of the Book of Songs. This paper explores the inheritance and innovation of Lü’s Lüshi Jiashu Dushi Ji within the history of these studies; it also argues against these opposing views of Lü’s book using statistical data combined with a dynamic development of the history of Confucian studies. The paper points out that Lüshi Jiashu Dushi Ji not only captures the thinking of Lü’s era, but also gives an epochal significance to the three hundred poems in the Book of Songs.
