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篇名 台北市電子化政府社經人文資料庫應用之研究
卷期 4:2
並列篇名 Applications of Electronic Government on Taipei City Society-Economy-Culture Database
作者 蔡秋林楊健貴
頁次 013-027
關鍵字 電子化政府地理資訊系統社經人文人口統計門牌位址定位E-governmentGISPopulation StatisticsDoorplate Locating
出刊日期 201105




Society-Economy-Culture database (is called SECDB) of Taipei City is an integrated geographic database conducted by the Taipei City Government. The databases is made by adapting the data of population, attribution of doorplates as the standard key value and then combine related sociology economy and cultural attributions. The purpose of database is to enhance the sharing of e-government GIS, to strengthen the application and to improve administrative efficiency. SECDB of Taipei City is analyzed and planned by Taiwan Geographic Information Association by selecting 75 attributes data with more useful application value from more than 500 official statistic data of Taipei City Government. Then, 69 applications are created after analyzing the questionnaires written by professionals and
specialists. Finally, 15 directions and 61 applications are summarized after 4 sessions of questionnaire investigation. In this research, the Public-affairs relevant aspects of the 15 applications are studied and three of applications are especially to implement a prototype system to demonstrate their feasibility and effectiveness to integrate with GIS, doorplate system, geographic information and SECDB. “Address” is the exclusive and important locating field on Geography. As long as address field is given in any public affair data, it is applicable to locate it in GIS space. Query relevant information is also accessible through address field search. It is recommended to Taipei City Government to combine doorplate address information as much as possible when building up database in the future. Moreover, this helps to provide added values on the
application of Geographic Information as well.
