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篇名 人口成長與土地開發因果關係之辨認:以高速公路交流道特定區為例
卷期 12:3
並列篇名 The Causal Relationship of Population Growth and Land Development: A Case Study in Highway Interchange Special District
作者 鄭明書林享博
頁次 215-236
關鍵字 高速公路交流道特定區人口成長土地開發聯立方程式Highway Interchange Special DistrictPopulation GrowthLand DevelopmentCausal RelationshipSimultaneous EquationsScopus
出刊日期 201112




Highway Interchange Special Districts (HISD) are planned to facilitate the benefits of having a location proximate to a freeway. The development of HISD may follow two different paths. One is that land is supplied first and population comes in. The other is that people swarms into the districts first and land development follows to alleviate the pressure of physical aspects. A model of two simultaneous equations is used to determine what path is adopted. The independent variable for each of them is population and land use acreages. The two-stage-least-squares technique is employed to estimate the parameters. The model shows that population has positive and significant effect on land use acreage, and vice versa. On the whole, land use development is the cause and then population growth occurs in those districts.
