
臺灣師大歷史學報 THCI

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篇名 從民族到種族:十九世紀末至二十世紀初期猶太裔人類學者論「猶太種族」
卷期 40
並列篇名 From the Jews to the ‘Jewish Race’: the Research of the Jewish Anthropologists to the ‘Jewish Race’ in the End of the Nineteenth Century and the Beginning of the Twentieth Century
作者 伍碧雯
頁次 101-136
關鍵字 猶太人猶太種族反猶主義種族意識型態龍布羅梭費雪柏格Jewsthe Jewish RaceAnti-Semitismracial ideologyCesare LombrosoMaurice FishbergTHCI
出刊日期 200812


二次大戰後被學術界摒棄的「猶太種族」(die jüdische Rasse)一詞,在十 九世紀下半葉卻是西方人類學界毫不避諱使用的名詞。「猶太種族」甚至成為 人類學界一個顯著的研究課題。猶太人在歷史上長期被視為信仰猶太教的民 族或族群,卻在近代科學研究之下,質變為「猶太種族」,成為具有不可逆轉 的遺傳體質、生理特徵與個性展現。隨著種族意識與反猶主義之結合與擴張, 反猶者擅用學術名詞,引用偏頗的科學論點,判定「猶太種族」是社會中的 異種、雜質與退化的象徵,以製造排猶行為的合理藉口。面對挾科學論點以 自重的排猶、反猶氣勢,迫使猶太裔人類學者必須面對「猶太種族」問題, 並破解反猶者的論點。本文主要藉由分析義籍龍布羅梭(Cesare Lombroso) 與美籍費雪柏格(Maurice Fishberg)兩位猶太裔學者,於十九、二十世紀之 交出版的人類學論著,從中考察猶太裔學者如何從不同的立論角度處理「猶 太種族」,他們如何據理辯駁,澄清對於猶太人不切實的科學論點,以及他們 塑造了哪些新看法?此外他們對於「猶太種族」提出另類的解釋,是否本身 也有特定政治立場或是意識型態?藉由分析這些論述,也可檢視猶太裔學者 對於當時猶太人面臨的時代困境與未來發展,所提出的不同解決之道。


Since Middle Ages the European societies were full with the negative images about the Jews, because of their non-Christianity religion, which also made them as scapegoat for social and economic misfortune. At that time the Jewish physical characteristic stereotype were also emerged. In nineteenth century the modern scientists in Europe – especially the anthropologists, who analyzed all human being as different ‘races’, which created a new biological and physical world views, and also influenced the traditional Jewish images. The Jews became the ‘Jewish race’, which was even became an important anthropological theme. The anthropologists transferd the Jews-a religion and cultur group-into the ‘Jewish race’-a biological heredity group. From then on the ‘race’ studies in anthropology, the racial ideology and the anti-Semitism interacted intensely especially in Germany. Some German scientists even explained that the ‘German race’ were a ‘superior race’, the ‘Jewish race’ on the contrarily were proved to be a biological ‘inferior race’, a ‘degenerated race’ and harmful to Germany and the Western civilizations. The aim of this research is to analyze the different arguments of the Jewish anthropologists to the ‘Jewish race’. What were their opinions to the popular terms-the ‘Jewish race’? Did they have any new interpretations or differnet explanation? Did their opinions deeply and efficiently change the thinking of the racism and the Anti-semitism?
