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篇名 「法蘭西貴族」團與法蘭西王權關係的探討
卷期 38
並列篇名 An Investigation of the Relationship between the Peerage of France and French Kingship
作者 陳秀鳳
頁次 189-210
關鍵字 國王祝聖典禮法蘭西貴族王族君主國家CoronationPeerage of FrancePrince of royal bloodMonarchyTHCI
出刊日期 200712


十二世紀晚期以來三個世紀中,法國出現的十二位「法蘭西貴族」這種機制, 表現出一種特別的權力屬性。藉由他們在國王祝聖典禮中的特權與地位的演變,不 僅在司法層面,更在政治層面上,成為法蘭西王國由封建型態轉變為君主國家的一 個指標。從最初的時期,十二位「法蘭西貴族」之中,六位神職身分與六位世俗身 分的貴族在典禮中各有所值的使命,使他們在王國中的地位較之其他貴族受到重 視。然而,隨著十三世紀中期以來法蘭西王權的擴張,尤其在法王腓力四世時代, 有關世俗身分的「法蘭西貴族」數目就持續增加,主要新增設的「法蘭西貴族」都 是具有王室血緣關係的貴族,也就是說出現一批『王族』的新興「法蘭西貴族」勢 力。更有甚者,法蘭西國王在英法百年戰爭期間,制壓法國國內的強大貴族,逐漸 將香檳與土魯斯伯國、諾曼地公國與布根地公國併入王室領地,使得原先十二位傳 統的「法蘭西貴族」人數,最盛時增加到二十六位之多,而「法蘭西貴族」的重要 性卻隨著王權的擴張而逐漸消失。因此,本文主要探討究中世紀晚期法蘭西王權與 封建貴族權力的互動關係,透過「法蘭西貴族」這種權力機制的政治功能與意義的 轉變,來檢視法蘭西王權轉脫離封建政治面貌,轉變為君主國家的過程。


The institution of the Peerage of France, which started to appear in the late 12th century and lasted for three centuries, manifested a special form of power attribute in the Kingdom of France. Through their privileges at the royal coronation and the ebb and flow of their status in the judicial and especially the political dimension, the Peerage of France is a key indicator of the transition of Kingdom of France from the feudal system to a monarchial system. Initially, there were six clergy and six lay peers playing their respective roles at the coronation. Compared to other nobles, these peers were also more highly respected and viewed as more important and powerful by the king. As royal power expanded from the beginning of mid 13th century, especially during the reign of Philip IV, increasingly more lay peers were created. Most of the new lay peers were nobles related to the royal family, thus symbolizing the rise of the influence of royal family on the Peerage of France. Furthermore, the power of important nobles was curbed during the Hundred Years’ War, and the comtes of Champagne and Toulouse and the dukes of Normandy and Burgundy were incorporated into the royal territory. From the initial 『Twelve』peers growing to a peak of twenty-six, the importance of the Peerage of France declined and gradually disappeared with the expansion of royal power. Hence, this article investigates the interaction between the French monarchy and the feudal lords during the late medieval period, as well as examines the evolution of the Kingdom of France from a feudal system to a monarchial system through the transformation of the political role of the Peerage of France.
