
臺灣師大歷史學報 THCI

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篇名 清雍乾時期的旗務問題:以雍正十三年滿、漢文「條陳奏摺」為中心
卷期 38
並列篇名 The Banners’ Affair during Yung-cheng and Ch’ienlung : on the Basis of the Itemized Memorials in 1735
作者 葉高樹
頁次 069-152
關鍵字 旗務條陳奏摺雍正皇帝乾隆皇帝banners’ affairItemized MemorialsYoung-cheng emperorCh’ien-lung emperorTHCI
出刊日期 200712


在雍正十三年(1735)的最後三個多月期間,八旗官員與隸屬旗籍的大臣在乾 隆皇帝「輪班條奏」的要求下,進呈一三五件有關旗務的「條陳奏摺」。他們各自 抒發對管理旗務的心得、改革旗務的見解,以及對新君整頓旗務的期待;也共同檢 討雍正朝以來有關人事陞遷、教育訓練、生計維持、人心風俗等旗務問題,並向乾 隆皇帝提出具體的建議,作為往後施政的參考。雖然雍正皇帝在位期間致力整飭旗 務,但是八旗人等面臨陞遷管道的壅滯、民族本習的廢弛、經濟生活的困難、漢人 習俗的沾染等困境,實為長時間累積的結果,並非雍正朝短短十餘載所能徹底扭 轉,而官書對此卻少有負面的記載,參照「條陳奏摺」的陳述,可以了解其中的弊 病。又乾隆皇帝繼位之初,即針對旗務問題提出各種因應之道,欲探討此一階段革 新措施的構想來源,也必須透過「條陳奏摺」的內容,始能得到釐清。


During the last three months of the reign of Young-cheng emperor (1735), all the officials of the Eight Banners were required to submit memorials in turns under the demand of the new emperor, Ch’ien-lung. They could express their ideas, advice, and expectations about the banner affairs; meanwhile, they were invited to discuss the problems of banner affairs since the reign of the ex-emperor Yung-cheng, including the issues of personnel promotion, education and training, living, norms and customs, for the purpose to offer valuable suggestions and alternatives as the references for the governance of Ch’ien-lung. Although Young-cheng emperor endeavored to solve the problems in banner affairs, the aforementioned conditions were consequent results and hard to be changed. However, there are few critical statements in the official records. Through the study of the “Itemized Memorials”, it will be helpful to investigate these problems. In addition, at the beginning of the reign of Ch’ien-lung, the emperor offered various expedients to these related problems. Hence, the discussion of the “Itemized Memorials” will be a feasible way to clarify the origins of these ideas.
