
臺灣師大歷史學報 THCI

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篇名 日治初年台灣衛生政策之展開-以「公醫報告」之分析為中心-
卷期 37
並列篇名 The Opening of Sanitary Policies in Early Japanese Taiwan —From the Public Health Physician Reports
作者 鈴木哲造
頁次 143-180
關鍵字 台灣總督府公醫公醫報告衛生政策Taiwan Sōtokufu Public Health PhysicianPublic Health Physician Reportssanitary policyTHCI
出刊日期 200706


本文透過「公醫報告」的分析以說明台灣總督府衛生政策之特質。「公醫」係 依據明治29(1896)年6 月府令第8 號「台灣公醫規則」而特設的醫生、配屬於台 灣各重要的地區。「公醫」不僅作為醫療者的角色在各地區治療居民的疾病或處理 受傷,更具有與警察合作,從事防疫、檢疫、種痘及衛生觀念普及之衛生行政特 質。在地方衛生行政方面,「公醫報告」是活動範圍廣大的公醫向總督府提交的業 務報告書。本文將先進行「公醫報告」之史料架構及其性質的分析,用以討論其史 料上的地位與價值。其次,利用該史料,針對日治初期的衛生課題—普及種痘與鼠 疫流行作更進一步地深入討論,以了解總督府對傳染病的預防、流行採取如何的防 治措施?另,在此防治政策中,防治職務的分配如何?台灣社會對總督府的傳染病 政策有如何的反應?


The purpose of this article is to analyze the Public Health Physician Reports in order to illustrate the characteristics of the sanitary policies of Taiwan Sōtokufu(Taiwan Governor-General's Office). With the prefecture ordinance N.O. 8: Regulation for Taiwan Public Health Physician issued in June, 1896, the “P. H. Physicians” were dispatched and stationed at various important districts in Taiwan. They were not only curers who treated the inhabitants’ sickness and attended to their injuries, but also sanitary administrators who cooperated with the police to embark on epidemic prevention, quarantine, vaccination, and disseminating public health information. In terms of local sanitary administration, P. H. Physicians had to work in an extensive area, and submit the routine report, the Public Health Physician Reports, to Taiwan Sōtokufu. In this article, I will first analyze the structure and nature of the Public Health Physician Reports to discuss its position and value in historiography. Secondly, I will use this material to discuss further on the subject of sanitation, the pervasion of vaccination and the epidemic of the plague, in the early stage of Japanese administration, so to shed light on the measures taken by the Taiwan Sōtokufu to prevent and control epidemics. Besides, this article will also talk about the positions and assignments in epidemic prevention, as well as the reaction of Taiwanese society to these policies of Taiwan Sōtokufu.
