
臺灣師大歷史學報 THCI

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篇名 中國近世前期南北發展的歧異與統合─以南宋金元時期的經濟社會文化為中心
卷期 36
並列篇名 The Divergence and Integration of the North and the South in the Early Modern China: Centering on the Economy, Society, and Culture of the Southern Song, Jin and Yuan Dynasties
作者 蕭啟慶
頁次 001-030
關鍵字 唐宋變革明清變革征服王朝南宋金朝元朝Tang-Song transformationMing-Qing transformationdynasties of conquestSouthern Song dynastyJin dynastyYuan dynastyTHCI
出刊日期 200612


本文係以「唐宋變革」及「明清變革」為背景,探討金、元等征服王 朝對中國近世化歷程,尤其是南北區域差異形成所產生的影響。首先以十 二、三世紀宋金對峙時代為範圍,比較金境方與宋境經濟、社會與文化發 展的異同。其次,探討蒙元征服全中國後南北統合的結果。此文顯示:金 元等征服王朝的介入確實對中國近世經濟社會發展造成負面的影響。經 濟、人口的逆退及南北不平衡的擴大都是金、元統治的後果。在社會方 面,金、元統治不僅造成中古、近世質素並陳的現象,也加大了南、北區 域社會的差異。在文化方面,雖然金朝的士人文化比較近於中古學風,但 是元朝的統一導致南北文化的統合,士人文化與民間文化皆在「唐宋變 革」的基礎上繼續發展。中原文化自有其堅韌生命力,其發展主線未因征 服王朝的介入而改變。但是,整體而言「唐宋變革」與「明清變革」之間 缺乏聯續性與征服王朝的統治頗有關聯。


Setting against the background of the Tang-Song transformation, this paper is intended to explore the influence of the rule of the conquest dynasties on China’s early modernization process, with particular emphasis on the appearance of unbalanced developments in the south and the north. We first compare the economic, social and cultural developments in the Jurchen ruled north with those in the Chinese ruled south in the 12th and 13th centuries. And then we examine the results of integration of both regions after the Mongols had conquered the whole country. As our results show, the rule of the conquest dynasties, indeed, had negative impact on China’s economic and social developments in the early modern period. The economic and demographic reversal in the north and the enhanced gap between the south and the north were the results of conquest rule. Socially, the Jurchen and Mongol rules brought many medieval elements back into the northern Chinese society and thus made the two regional societies quite different. Culturally, the literati culture of north China under the Jurchen rule was much closer to the Tang tradition than that of the south. The integration made under the Mongol-Yuan rule reduced but did not eliminate the economic, social and cultural disparities between the north and the south. All in all, the discontinuities between the Tang-Song and Ming-Qing transformations, to a significant extent, can be attributed to the intervention of the rule of conquest dynasties.
