
臺灣師大歷史學報 THCI

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篇名 戰後初年在台日本人留用政策初探
卷期 33
並列篇名 A Study on the Adoptive Policy of Japanese-in-Taiwan at the Early Stage After the World WarⅡ
作者 吳 文 星
頁次 269-285
關鍵字 國民政府臺灣省行政長官公署在台日本人留用政策Nationalist GovernmentTaiwan Provincial Executive OfficeJapanese-in-TaiwanAdoptive policyTHCI
出刊日期 200506


本文旨在以政策面為中心探討國民政府於接收前對於台灣人事之規劃和準備、接收之初在台日本人留用政策之制定和實施,以及留用政策調整之經緯。 據探討結果,接收前,台灣人即一再建議其應就地取才,任用台灣人,實施完全的地方自治。國民政府的接管計畫中之用人構想似乎與台灣人的期盼相去不遠。然而,當行政長官公署正式接管台灣後, 卻以實際需要為由,採大量留用日本人之政策,以致引起台灣人的不滿;同時,該政策與美國的盡速遣返日俘日僑政策相違背,美國乃出面干涉;加以1946 年初起大多數在台日本人紛紛決定返國,因此,迫使行政長官公署不得不調整留用政策。後經美國同意,以28,000 人為留用上限,1946 年年底必須悉數遣送返日。但1947 年初行政長官公署並未依約定悉數將在台日本人遣送返國,直至二二八事件後,始放棄留用政策。


Through the perspective of policy, this paper aims to explore the personnel ar-rangement and preparation before Nationalist Government’s took-over of Taiwan. By this, the implementation and modification of adoptive policy on Japanese-in-Taiwan at the early stage is investigated. Before the take-over, Taiwanese had strongly suggested Nationalist Government should co-opt local people to carry out a complete local autonomy. The plan of Nation-alist Government seemed not far from this expectation. However, after the take-over , Taiwan Provincial Executive Office retained a large number of Japanese at their posts by claiming there was an actual need. This situation aroused the resentment of Tai-wanese. Meanwhile, U.S. started to interfer, demanding that the repatriation of Japa-nese refugees should be done as soon as possible. Most of Japanese decided to return home as well from the beginning of 1946. Under such circumstances, Taiwan Provin-cial Executive Office was forced to adjust its adoptive policy. After bargaining with U.S., Taiwan Provincial Executive Office was temporarily allowed to retain a maxi-mum of 28,000 Japanese, and should send them all back to Japan before the end of 1946. Though, the repatriation project remained abortive till early 1947. It was after the 228 event did Taiwan Provincial Executive Office finally abandon its adoptive policy.
