
臺灣師大歷史學報 THCI

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篇名 吃齋與清代民間宗教的發展機制
卷期 33
並列篇名 Practice of Abstinence From Meat and the Mechanism of Civilian Religious Development in the Ching Dynasty
作者 林榮澤
頁次 079-136
關鍵字 吃齋素食持齋戒殺民間宗教秘密社會吃齋教團Practice of abstinence from meatvegetarianpractice of abstinence from killing living beingscivil religionssecret societyvegetarian sectsTHCI
出刊日期 200506




The present thesis is mainly intended to probe into an issue in the religious development in the civil sector in the Ching(Manchurian)Dynasty: How did a sect come into being in a completely strange land? To put it in more understandable terms, when a preacher promoted religions in a strange land, how could he lure a crowd of people to form the core religious organization? Previously, scholars used to view such issue by aiming at the doctrines disseminated by the founder and his characteristics. If the founder could cure diseases magically or could exercise extraordinary skills, he must be able to lure huge crowds to follow him. Among numerous religious sects, nevertheless, it would be absolutely impossible for all founders to possess such extraordinary skills. The present study notices that the “practice of abstinence from meat” might be the major grounds to attract followers. Archives indicate that a religion founder seemed to be clearly able to tell that as long as the style of eating was changed, the entire interpersonal relationship circle could be changed and the founder must be able to, in turn, firmly keep such person to stay and to become his disciple. Through such viewpoint, we may put this issue into account afresh and, in turn, notice lots of interesting findings differing from the previous ones.
