
臺灣師大歷史學報 THCI

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篇名 清領初期的台日貿易關係(1684-1722)
卷期 32
並列篇名 The Tracing Relationship between Taiwan to Japan in the Erly time of Ching Ruling, 1684-1722
作者 鄭瑞明
頁次 043-087
關鍵字 清領初期台日貿易史貿易貨品帆船/戎克船Trading history between Taiwan and Japan.The begining of the Ching RulingFreightalor/JunkTHCI
出刊日期 200406


台灣與日本都位在亞洲大陸東側,屬同一季風區。自十六世紀以降,雙方住民即利用風帆,相互來往,建構密切關係。清領初期的台日船隻貿易是台日關係中相當重要的一段。本文即從船隻數量、搭乘人員、航行路線及貨品買賣等四項,根據日本古籍《唐通事會所目錄》等的記載,並參酌今人研究成果,從事深度討論。從而得知,清領初期,台日船隻貿易仍相當盛行,並非如同一般所稱:台灣自清領以後, 即在清政府消極治台政策下,只發展兩岸貿易,至於與其他國家或地區的貿易則完全斷絕。


Taiwan and Japan are both at the east side of Asianland, belongs to the same monsoon area .Since the 16th century ,the habitant of them are using jalor/Junk to communicate with each other to have intimate relationship. The realationship of trade means a lot between Taiwn and Japanese relationshipip the begining of the Ching dynasty ruling.The writing makes discussion according to four perspective: the amounts of the ship, the memebers on the ship, the path of the sailing and the goods trading according to the Japanese classics materials—Do Tsu Ji Kai Shyo Jik Rok etc. and the recently correlated studying. As the result saying, the trade was reigned in the begining of the Ching ruling,and it contrast to other writings acclaimed that only developed the trde between them but others under the Ching's passive governing.
