
臺灣師大歷史學報 THCI

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篇名 文祥在清代後期政局中的重要性
卷期 32
並列篇名 The Importance of Wenxiang in Late Qing Politics
作者 魏秀梅
頁次 121-146
關鍵字 文祥奕訢曾國藩李鴻章左宗棠清文宗清穆宗慈禧太后WenxiangIxin Zeng GuofanLi HongzhangZuo ZongtangXianfeng EmperorTongzhi EmperoEmpress DowagerTHCI
出刊日期 200406




Wenxiang was a member of the Gualgiya clan and a Manchu Plain Red Bannerman. He became a metropolitan degree-holder (chin-shih) in 1845 and began his career as secretary in the Board. His loyalty and diligence won him the trust of the Xianfeng emperor, who appointed him to the office of vice-president of the Board of Revenue and to the Grand Council in May 1858; in early 1861, he served at the Tsungli Yamen and was in charge of foreign affairs. This paper considers him as a prominent court official and assesses his contributions to the late Qing government in three areas: input on important court decisions, judgment on major trends, and influence in government policies.
