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篇名 教育部台灣閩南語推薦用字的比較分析
卷期 124
並列篇名 On the Recommended Han Characters for Taiwan Southern Min Promulgated by Taiwan's Ministry of Education
作者 賴淑玲楊允言
頁次 004-040
關鍵字 台語母語文字化語料庫漢字Taiwan Southern Minmother tonguewritten formcorpusHan character
出刊日期 201204


本研究根據教育部第一批公佈的台灣閩南語推薦用字 300 字詞來做探討的主題。透過無仝版本台語辭典的用字,來佮教育部所推薦的建議字詞做用字的比較,並且採用文獻分析法佮語料庫語言學分析法,來分析這 300 个建議字詞,佇台語文的使用上敢有普遍,佇寫法頂面是毋是適合。經過研究發現,這 300 字詞的選用,符合普遍性的「常用字
詞」達到 97%,符合適用性的「優先字詞」達到 85.3% 的比例。針對用字選擇爭議性較大的字詞,阮建議用羅馬字代替著好,按呢會當表達出正確的讀音佮意思,嘛避免產生無必要的誤解。


Concerning the general usage and the script suitability of the MOE recommended Taiwanese words, only few related statistic and research have been done so far. This study will focus on the first 300 words on the list. We compare them with the list’s counterpart in different versions
of dictionaries (from the view point of experts) and corpus (from the view point of the general public), respectively. Through literary and corpus analysis, we carefully examine if the orthography of the 300 recommended words are generally used and practical or not. Then we perform a comparative analysis between the words in dictionaries and the ones on the recommended word list. Those “commonly used words”, according to the principle of general usage, achieved a 97 percent agreement with the 300 recommended words while words “used with priority” in terms of suitability was 85.3 percent in agreement with the words we compared.
