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篇名 高羅佩與“物質文化”-從“新文化史”視野之比較研究
卷期 27:3
並列篇名 Robert van Gulik and Material Culture Studies
作者 陳珏
頁次 317-346
關鍵字 高羅佩漢學物質文化新史學新文化史Robert H. van GulikSinologymaterial cultureNew HistoryNew Cultural HistoryMEDLINETHCI
出刊日期 200909


漢學家高羅佩(Robert Hans van Gulik, 1910-1967)是一個非同等閑的人物。高羅佩漢學涉獵的範圍極廣,從宗教到鑑賞,公案到琴,秘戲圖到動物文化史等,都有研究,連出版的國度也五花八門,遍及全世界。然而,高羅佩學術興趣的焦點,多在同時代傳統漢學家的視野之外,別出心裁,相當冷門,有琴、硯、書、畫、動物(包括馬與猿)、春宮與悉曇等至少七項。從今天的眼光看,高羅佩的著作圍繞上述七項中心所自成之體系,都與「新史學」(New History)有關,特別是與作為「新史學」的一部分的「新文化史」(New Cultural History)有關,並與「新文化史」中的「物質文化」(Material Culture)的研究更息息相關。學術界迄今尚未對此展開研究,本文就此作初步探討,拋磚引玉。


As a great sinologist of the 20th century, Robert Hans van Gulik produced a series of important books on Chinese history, literature, religion, and culture. His works were unique in perspectives and approaches. Robert van Gulik demonstrated a keen interest in Chinese zithers, animals, ink-stones, criminal cases, and sexology. While these works are appreciated by the scholarly world, few people have studied them in the context of material culture studies. This paper is a preliminary effort to study van Gulik's works through the perspective of material culture studies, trying to throw new light on the value of these works.
