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篇名 「阮籍作〈酒狂〉」真偽之探析
卷期 12
並列篇名 A Study on Connections between Two Qin Pieces: “Liushan” (Wine-Bowls on the Flowing Water) and “Jiukuan” (The Unbridled Drunkard)
作者 黃鴻文
頁次 095-108
關鍵字 阮籍酒狂流觴神奇秘譜西麓堂琴統Ruan JiJiukuanLiushanShenqimipuXinlutan Qintong
出刊日期 201104




Ever since Shenqimipu, a book written by Zhu Quan in Ming Dynasty, said that the qin piece “Jiukuan” (The Unbridled Drunkard) was composed by Ruan Ji, musicology and qin circles have commonly accepted this statement and consider this piece a valuable antiquity. However, no texts written between Ruan Ji’s time and Zhu Quan’s time referring to “Jiukuan” were found, and it seems that the style of this qin piece does not correspond to Ruan Ji’s personality. Therefore, I argue that “Jiukuan” was not
composed by Ruan Ji, but someone in a time after the Three Kingdoms period.Xinlutan Qintong, a book published after Shenqimipu, did not include “Jiukuan,”but contained “Liushan” (Wine-Bowls on the Flowing Water), a piece that had a structure in its first half almost identical to that of the whole piece of “Jiukuan.” The postscript followed the piece “Liushan” in the book connected this piece to Wang Xizhi’s Langting (Orchid Pavilion) story in Jin Dynasty, rather than Ruan Ji and“Jiukuan.” When I play the piece “Liushan,” I feel that this piece reminds me of the
unrestrained mood in Langting story, far from Ruan Ji’s anxiety. My hypothesis is that the piece “Liushan” existed prior to “Jiukuan.” The first half of the former has been re-arranged and entitled “Jiukuan,” referring to Ruan Ji’s story.
