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篇名 三維光學影像擷取系統
卷期 33:6=188
並列篇名 Three-Dimensional Optical Imaging Systems
作者 李正中吳鍇蔡瑞章駱遠
頁次 26-33
出刊日期 201206


光學影像系統的發展可回溯至十七世紀,由顯微鏡之父Anton van Leeuwenhoek發展第一台光學顯微鏡。迄今,如何快速取得三維(3D)影像資訊的光學影像系統,仍是科學家們研究發展的重點。著名的實驗室、研究單位等均投入大量人力與物力發展出各式各樣、不同功能的影像系統,並以三維影像術為研發與應用的焦點。本文將介紹具備快速、不需掃描與高解析度的光學影像系統,包括體積全像影像系統及同步相位干涉術。


Optical imaging plays a critical role for various areas. The first optical microscopic imaging system was developed in the 17(superscript th) century by Anton van Leeuwenhoek, who is known as the father of microscopy. Since then, much effort has been involved in developing high-speed three-dimensional (3D) imaging systems for a variety of applications. Ideally, optical imaging systems would provide 3D images, enabling characterization of a volume of tissue. However, all these systems have complex mechanical designs, requiring scanning in two lateral dimensions, or depth focusing. The complex designs increase device cost, reduce robustness, and increase the complexity. In this Article, we review our novel imaging methods including volume holographic imaging and polarized interferometry to acquire high-resolution 3D images of an object with no need of scanning.

