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篇名 多功能介電泳晶片系統運用於膀胱癌細胞之期別診斷
卷期 33:6=188
並列篇名 Multi-Functional DEP Chip System for Diagnosis of Different-Grade Bladder Cancer Cells
作者 黃耀緯徐佑銘吳耀東莊承鑫
頁次 75-85
出刊日期 201206


本文探討一種具三層式電極與微圓洞陣列之介電泳操控晶片,可程式化捕捉與釋放單細胞並應用於癌細胞電性感測功能。利用非均勻電場所產生之介電泳力來捕捉與釋放膀胱癌細胞,再藉由阻抗分析儀進行癌細胞感測,完成可程式化細胞操控與阻抗量測雙功能之實驗室晶片。實驗前先行利用模擬軟體來觀察微圓洞的結構和三層電極之電場分布情形,以此分布來了解設計細胞操控之正、負介電泳效應。實驗方面,以LabVIEW程式搭配DAQ系統進行可程式化的操控,將細胞捕捉後再進行單細胞電性量測,以獲得細胞之阻抗值,藉由其阻抗值來辨別細胞的特徵,在獲得特定細胞的判別後,則可進行單細胞的釋放,最後將回收後的標的細胞進行後續的研究作業。本研究將使用T24和TSGH8301兩種不同期別之膀胱癌細胞當實驗對象,實驗結果顯示TSGH8301(grade II)阻抗值高於T24(grade III),本研究所開發之介電泳晶片不僅可以達到捕捉、固定與可程式化單細胞操控與阻抗量測之能力,在未來亦可應用於體外檢測與藥物篩檢等領域上。


In this work, a dielectrophoretic (DEP) chip with multi-layer electrodes and a micro-cavity array was developed for programmable manipulations and impedance measurement of bladder cancer cells. Impedance sensing of single cells could be performed as follows: Firstly, cells were trapped in a micro-cavity array by negative DEP force constructed by top and middle electrodes; then, the impedance measurement for discrimination of different grades of bladder cancer cells was accomplished by the middle and bottom electrodes. After impedance sensing, the individual releasing of trapped cells was achieved by negative DEP force using top and bottom electrodes in order to collect the identified cells once more. In the experimental results, the capability of electrical manipulation successfully demonstrated by human bladder cancer cells (TSGH8301 and T24). Consequently, the DEP chip provides an excellent platform technology for lab-on-a-chip (LOC) or micro-total-analysis-system (micro TAS).

