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篇名 人造標靶性光激發之奈米基因剪技術
卷期 33:6=188
並列篇名 Artificial, Targeted, Light-Activated Nanoscissor for Sequence Selective Gene Scission
作者 李映瑩蔡宗霖謝達斌
頁次 16-25
出刊日期 201206


基因工程造就了二十世紀生技醫藥發展的榮景,其中最重要的工具就是基因剪刀限制酶與基因糨糊連結酶。隨著人類與更多物種基因圖譜解碼,基因工程技術為人類疾病、能源與糧食問題提供了一個全新的契機。傳統上基因工程仍以限制酶為工具進行基因重組,但受限於辨識序列短且需使用特定的緩衝溶液,使技術在操作上較複雜,也有更多的限制。「人造標靶光激發之奈米剪(artificial, targeted, light-activated nanoscissor, ATLANS)」是一種能在單一緩衝溶液環境下辨識選定的基因序列,且此序列可長達數十鹼基對以增加其辨識專一性,此外,更能針對細胞核中的雙股DNA進行辨識(現有的基因沉默技術主要是針對mRNA之辨識),並利用可見光波長調控雙股DNA之切割(double strand cleavage),由基因體上的層次達到更徹底抑制基因表現之目標。此技術使用奈米粒子作為載體並藉以穩定保護切割分子,提升細胞及次細胞層次標靶運送,以及光學活化切割之整體效能。此一技術已成功應用在細胞中抑制選定之螢光基因的表現,預期將能藉由切割特定抗藥基因的表現,達到降低化療技藥劑量及副作用、增強療效與降低癌細胞對處方用藥產生之抗藥性。


The discovery of restriction enzyme and ligase have brought about a revolution in biomedical technology industry in the 20th century. Through the completion of the Human Genome Project and whole genome decoding of more organism, a tremendous opportunity for advanced applications in food industry, biofuel and fighting human diseases has been opened. This technology developed an artificial targeted, light-activated nanoscissor (ATLANS) for advanced in-cell photonic manipulation of target gene scission and silencing through formation of targeted DNA triplex in the nucleus and double strand DNA scission at predesigned site through photonic activation in the visible wavelength photon energy. The technology has been successfully developed to remove green fluorescent gene in cancer cells. When target to cancer drug resistant gene, ATLANS may effectively decrease chemotherapeutic dosage and thus reduce systemic side effects while increase therapeutic efficacy. The technology could be applied to clinical disease management of cancer, infectious disease and genetic diseases in the future development.

