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篇名 亞斯柏格症學生社會技能缺陷原因與訓練內涵之探究
卷期 121
並列篇名 Exploring Social Skill Deficits and the Training Contents for Asperger Stude
作者 李俊賢王欣宜
頁次 022-028
關鍵字 亞斯柏格症社會技能缺陷社會技能訓練Aspergersocial skills deficitssocial skills training
出刊日期 201112




The purpose of this article was to explore the issues of lacking social skills of students with Asperger Syndrome (AS) and list its training items based on the literature review. The problems discovered included lack of activeness, interactive skills with people, and perceptions of emotion. Also, difficulties in understanding others’ intention,pragmatic problems, sensory integration disorder, fears of change, anxiety, and depression were reviewed in this article. The items developed for training social skills of students with AS were basic interaction, interpersonal interaction, family interaction,classroom interaction, and job-related social skills. Finally, some theoretical and practical information were provided in this article.
