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篇名 日治時期臺灣總督府阿里山作業所建立之歷史考察(1910~1915)-以官制、分課規程與人事結構為中心
卷期 9
並列篇名 The Establishment of “Arisan Sagyousho” during the Period of Japanese Colonial Rule (1910~1915) -Based on Staff Affairs Structure
作者 吳明勇
頁次 081-133
關鍵字 林業伐木阿里山作業所營林局營林所ForestryLumberingArisan SagyoushoForest BureauForest Office
出刊日期 201112


1910 年4 月,臺灣總督府發布「臺灣總督府阿里山作業所」官制,正式建立阿里山作業所,是為日治時期臺灣官營伐木之濫觴,其所負責調查、開發之阿里山森林事業地,亦是臺灣官營伐木事業之端緒,亦開啟了日治時期臺灣官營伐木30 餘年之事業。1915 年7 月,阿里山作業所廢止,營林局成立,1920 年9 月,營林局改制為營林所;直到日治末期,營林所成為日治時期臺灣官營伐木事業的中心單位,負責阿里山、八仙山、太平山三大官營森林事業地之伐木事業,營林局、營林所的前身即為1910 年建立的臺灣總督府阿里山作業所,易言之,日人對臺灣官營伐木事業與制度的設計,乃是以阿里山森林作為起點。阿里山作業所的構成頗為複雜,作為總督府官營伐木機構的前哨站,阿里山作業所代表的是一種制度化的力量,透過官制規程的明確化與大量人員的派遣,清楚地顯露殖民政府對阿里山森林整編與利用的慾望。自1910 年阿里山作業所成立至1915 年廢止,5 年3 個月期間,該所歷經4 位所長,官制、分課規程亦歷經三階段的變革,就人事結構而言,該所各年度的實際到任總人數總計240 人,1910 年成立時,實際到任數為45 人,1911 年增為74 人,1912 年87 人,1913 年99 人,1914 年達到最高峰127 人,到了1915 年則為119 人,阿里山作業所的建立,展現了總督府首次募集派遣大量森林工作隊伍投入官營伐木事業的開發工作。本文將由官制、分課規程與人員構成之二重結構,考察阿里山作業所的建立及其組織內容,藉以描繪阿里山作業所之歷史輪廓與位置。


In April 1910, Taiwan Government-General issued “Arisan Sagyousho”
government system. Arisan Sagyousho was established officially, and was the beginning of government managed lumbering during the period of Japanese colonial rule. They investigated and exploited Arisan forestry. They began the government managed lumbering working circle in Taiwan. They started government lumbering for more than 30 years in the period of Japanese colonial rule. In July 1915, Arisan Sagyousho was abolished, and Taiwan Government-General Forest Bureau(営林局,Eirinkyoku) was established at the same time. In September 1920, Forest Bureau reformed into the Forest Office(営林所,Eirinsho) until the end of the period of Japanese colonial rule.Forest Office became the central unit of Taiwan government managed lumbering,and managed the lumbering of Arisan, Bashiansan, Taipingsan. During 5 years and 3 months, there are 4 directors in Arisan Sagyousho, and 45 workers in that time. There are 119 workers before abolishment in 1915, expanded 3 times.Forest Office’s lumbering foundation was established from Arisan Sagyousho.This article will rebuild Arisan Sagyousho establishing process, and analyze workers’ structure, to describe Arisan Sagyousho history.
