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篇名 2009年聽障奧運志工訓練移轉模式之研究
卷期 12:1
並列篇名 Transferring the Training Model Used for the 2009 Deaflympics Volunteers
作者 郭正德
頁次 025-050
關鍵字 自我效能訓練投入訓練結果訓練移轉self-efficacytraining investmenttraining resulttransfer of training
出刊日期 201203




This study explores factors that influence the transfer of volunteers’ training and the transfer path. We employed quantitative research methods for this study. Using convenience sampling, we recruited 318 volunteers who served at the 2009 Deaflympics in Taipei from September 7 to September 13. Data were examined using descriptive statistics, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), path analysis and Parson correlation analysis. The results of this study are as follows: (a) Most data were provided by female college students under the age of 20 years. (b) The Deaflympics volunteers’ transfer of training differed significantly according to their level of education; however, no significant correlation existed between the training results and the volunteers’ transfer of training. (c) The Deaflympics volunteers’ self-efficacy and the training design positively influenced the transfer of training; however, the work environment influenced the training result negatively. (d) The Deaflympics volunteers’ self-efficacy and transfer of training positively influenced the transfer of training; however, the work environment influenced the transfer of training negatively. (e) The Deaflympics volunteers’ self-efficacy, training design, and the transfer of training had a significant positive relationship. The results of this investigation into short-term Deaflympics volunteers’ transfer of training can provide sufficient information for training volunteers and can encourage more volunteers to participate in domestic and international events and enhance volunteers’ growth during training and the work environment of short-term volunteers. Organizations should provide numerous training opportunities to improve the training result and the transfer of training.
