
中正大學中文學術年刊 THCI

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篇名 魏裔介之文學活動與文學思想析論
卷期 18
並列篇名 On Literary Activities and Thought of Wei Yi-jie
作者 王兵
頁次 093-126
關鍵字 魏裔介文學活動文學思想性情清初Wei Yi-jieLiterary activitiesLiterary thoughtDispositionEarly Qing DynastyTHCI Core
出刊日期 201112




Wei Yi-jie (1616-1686) was a well-known Neo-Confucianist in the early Qing Dynasty. His literary activities and thought have long been ignored in the academic circles. As a matter of fact, he was not only a diligent writer, contributing a great deal in editing and inscribing literary collections, but also chanted and composed verses adopting the same rhymes and sequence with scholars of different kinds. Expressing personal feelings truthfully, he composed poems and prose with an elegant style. He stressed the autonomy of literature on the basis of“Wen subjecting to Tao". He introduced the notion of“true poem" based on the value truetemperament". In addition, he had some deep thinking on the relations between literature and the era, between literary quality and the disposition of the writer. He also articulated his views on poetry
appreciation. Giving the consideration to his prominent social status and his inf1uence to the literary circles of his time, this study states that Wei Yi-jie's literary achievement both reflected the transformation of the literary style of the end of Ming and early Qing Dynasty,and set a model style for a grand age.
