
中正大學中文學術年刊 THCI

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篇名 舊事風流說南唐:吳梅村《秣陵春》的歷史隱喻與古玩懷舊
卷期 18
並列篇名 Historical Metaphors and the Nostalgic Turn of Antique Connoisseurship in Wu Mei-cun's Play Moling Chun
作者 孫承娟
頁次 075-092
關鍵字 吳梅村秣陵春南唐古玩懷舊Wu Mei-cunMoling chunThe Southern TangNostalgia evoked by antiquesTHCI Core
出刊日期 201112




The article aims to examine the metaphorical use of the past in Wu Mei-cun's play Moling chun, and to investigate the nostalgic turn of the late Ming craze for antiques in the wake of dynastic turnover as represented in it. In line with early Qing playwrights' tendency of setting their works in the past eras that are perceived to parallel their contemporary history and politics, Wu chooses as his topic the lives of several Southern Tang loyalists. Through analyzing Wu Mei-cun's careful selection, appropriation, and rearrangement ofthe Southem Tang imagery and its last ruler Li Yu's lyrics, the artice sets out to discuss how Wu succeeds in invoking the Southem Tang as a key means of conveying his historical memory and reflection. Wu pays particular attention to the Southern Tang cultural artifacts. Itexemplifies that such objects from the fallen dynasty not only evokes a strong sense of nostalgia, but also came to be the center of literary representations of the nostalgia for the fallen dynasty, thus making the conventional denunciation of indulgence in objects as sapping a person's will surprisingly irrelevant in the early Qing literature.
