
中正大學中文學術年刊 THCI

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篇名 從朱子對《太極圖說》及《通書》的詮釋論其「理」的活動性
卷期 18
並列篇名 On the Activity of the Principles (Li) in Chu Hsi's Interpretation of T'ung-Shu and an Explanation of the Diagram of the Great Ultimate
作者 陳佳銘
頁次 001-028
關鍵字 朱熹周濂溪牟宗三太極圖說通書太極Chu HsiZhou Lien-xiMou ZongsanAn Explanation of the Diagram of the Great UltimateT'ung-ShuThe Great UltimateTHCI Core
出刊日期 201112




In this paper, I research Chu Hsi's interpretation of Tung-Shu(《通書》) and an Explanation of the Diagram of the Great Ultimate(《太極圖說》) to justify his concept of the principles(理) are active and then to name it by the vital principles(生生之理).
Firstly, I recognized the Chu Hsi's principles seems to be the cause to Chi of Yin and Yang(陰陽氣化), but as the vital principle. they activate the Chi of Yin and Yang(陰陽氣化). It accords with Chu Hsi's idea of " the principles attach to material force(Chi) to operate"(理搭于氣而行).
Secondly, no matter what " The Great Ultimate though movement generates Yang and it though thanquility generates Yin(太極動而生陽,靜而生陰),or the movement of Essence of Sincerity's(誠體) in Chu Hsi's interpretation, Chu Hsi describes a ever-lasting ans living process of The Great Ultimate. In the process, The Great Ultimate itself deseconds to all things and then everthing obtains its nature from it. Furthermore, the ever-lasting and living process does not work only by material force,but also by the principles.
Consequently, although Chu Hsi's understanding of the principles by " reverse ratiocination " is different from Zhou Lien-xi's resoniong(周濂溪), the principles in Chu Hsi's realization are active and living.
