
中正大學中文學術年刊 THCI

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篇名 明代前中期詩壇尊杜觀念的變遷及其文學取向
卷期 18
並列篇名 View Change and Literature Trend of Respect Du Fu in Poetry of the Ming Dynasty Prometaphase
作者 鄭利華
頁次 049-074
關鍵字 明代前中期詩壇尊杜觀念變遷特徵文學取向The Ming DynastyIn prometaphase poetryViews of respect Du FuChange characteristicsLiterature trendTHCI Core
出刊日期 201112




In poetry of the Ming Dynasty prometaphase, Du Fu's poetry became an important goal with people's respect, which was oot only deeply affected by traditional respect of Du Fu statue in poetics history, but also related with advocating Tang poetry influence since the ear1y Ming Dynasty. Du Fu's poetry significance of the classic characteristics in different periods indicates different literary trend in the views of respect Du Fu. Compared to mu1tiple interpretations of Du's poetry and their aesthetic mentality in the early Ming Dynasty poetry; especially since the Yong Le, Du's poetry had been many scholar's favor, but their opinions trended to“politics" consciousness and reveal intrinsic content of “traditional temperament", and focused on the practical model promotioo which met regular consciousness. From the Cheng Hua and the Hong Zhi, with the view change of respect Du, most of scholars retumed to discuss in the area of poetry art range, emphasis on the feature of writing techniques, which became the outstanding characteristics in art aesthetic conscious improvement.
