
中正大學中文學術年刊 THCI

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篇名 利用「翻版」研究中古漢語演變:以《道行般若經》「異譯」與《九色鹿經》為例
卷期 18
並列篇名 A Study of the Evolution of Middle Chinese Using
作者 辛嶋靜志
頁次 165-188
關鍵字 佛教漢語支婁迦讖支謙道行般若經摩訶般若鈔經九色鹿經Buddhist ChineseMiddle ChineseLokaksemaChih Ch'ienChu Fo-nienTao-hsing pan-jo chingChiu-se-lu chingTHCI Core
出刊日期 201112




In this .paper, 1 use the following two concepts: (1) i-i異譯“different translation", meaning a different translation of the same text by a different translator; (2) fan-pan 翻版 “modifiedversion", meaning a version which a later "traoslator" or an editor produced, by basically copy ing a pre-existing translation with a limited replacement of words.
There are seven Chinese translations of the Astasãhasrikã Prajnãpãramitã. Amongst them, the Tao-hsing pan-jo ching道行般若經(translated in 179 C.E.) by Lokaksema is the oldest, followed by Chih Ch'ien (tl. ca. 220--257 C.E.), ChuFo-nien (translated in 382 C.E.), KumãrajTva (translated in 408 C.E.) and so on. In reality, the translations by Chih Ch' ien and Chu Fo-nien are basically “modifiedversions" of the Tao-hsing pan-jo ching. From the viewpoint of the historicaI study of Chinese, these "modified versions" are valuable as they provide us with important inforrnation for understanding the various changes which have occurred within that language. If we focus on how these translators modified Lokaksema's translation, then we are able to trace the changes and developments ofthe Chinese language from the Eastern Han to the Chin Dynasties.
As the Tao-hsing pan-jo ching was modified by later translators, there must be translations which are merely “modifiedversions" of previous translations. If both an original translation and its modified version still exist, then they will be excellent material by which to study the evolution of Middle Chinese.
The Chiu-se-Iu ching九色鹿經is one such example. This text may have been first translated no earlier than the middle of the third century﹒The Chinese Buddhist Canons contain three different versions of this and the famous Buddhist Anthology, Ching-Iü-i-hsiang經律異相, compiled by Pao-ch'ang in 516 C.E., contains another modified one as well. As the language and the contents of these four differ from one another, the interrelationship among them and the changes of their vocabularies will be discussed in this article.
