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篇名 運用教育部「圖書資訊應用」通識課程數位學習教材於非同步遠距課程教學設計與教學成效之研究
卷期 79
並列篇名 Application of the MOE E-Learning Materials to Asynchronous Distance Course Design and Instruction
作者 于第
頁次 012-030
關鍵字 數位學習遠距課程通識教育圖書資訊應用教學設計教學成效E-learningDistance courseGeneral educationLibrary and information skillsTeaching designTeaching effectiveness
出刊日期 201111


21世紀的教育,強調的是一種以學生為中心的終身教育,加上資訊傳播科技(Information Communication Technology, ICT)及網路通訊的快速發展,自然帶領了新世代的學生進入一個數位學習的環境,使數位學習成為本世紀的新寵兒與新趨勢。在這一股新趨勢的推波助瀾之下,教育部於2010年初,正式公開發表其委託圖書資訊界學者專家及數位科技公司,所共同開發完成的一套適用於大專校院師生使用的圖書資訊應用通識課程數位學習教材;並於2010年中旬開始,由國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所吳美美教授和九位不同學校的教師共同組成教師團隊,進行教材的推廣與教學應用的跨校合作計畫。著者參與前述合作計畫,且加上目前所服務的景文科技大學正推動教師運用資訊傳播科技於課程教學之中,並於近幾年開始積極鼓勵教師進行非同步之遠距教學。鑑此,著者於99學年度第一學期起,將所開設之網際資源與圖資應用通識課程申請遠距教學,同時運用教育部的這套數位學習教材於該課程教學之中。由於這是一個新的嘗試,因此,著者透過本研究將整個課程的教學設計、實施方式、教學成效,以及在教學過程中所遇到的問題與挑戰,都會在研究中加以陳述、分析與探討,且希望此研究成果,能提供各大專校院教師未來規劃相關課程教學之參考。


The rapid development of ICT (Information Communication Technology) and the gradually approving attitude towards learner-centered instruction have contributed to an e-learning environment in the 21st century. In accordance with the e-learning trend, the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Taiwan has organized a team, consisting of scholars in the field of library and information science as well as representatives from a technology company, to design and produce a set of e-learning materials for general education curriculum on library and information skills at college and university level. The fruits of this project were made public in early 2010. Furthermore, since July of 2010, Professor Mei-Mei Wu of the Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies at National Taiwan Normal University has been supported by the MOE to organize a team with nine other teachers from different universities and colleges to promote the e-learning materials. The author of this paper has been one of the team members and has applied the e-learning materials to the asynchronous distance course “Use of Internet and Library Resources” offered in the fall semester of 2010 by the General Education Center of Jinwen University of Science and Technology. In this paper, based on the author’s experience in instructing the course, detailed teaching design, implementation, and effectiveness of applying the e-learning materials are described and analyzed, which may serve as useful reference for instructors who are interested in involving the materials in their courses.
