
本土心理學研究 TSSCI

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篇名 道德判斷的「雙重歷程模式」:認知、情緒與文化的整合觀點
卷期 36
並列篇名 The Dual-process Model of Moral Judgment: An Integrated Viewpoint of Cognition, Emotion, and Culture
作者 陳舜文邱振訓
頁次 033-076
關鍵字 道德心理學道德判斷雙重歷程模式Dual-process modelMoral judgmentMoral psychologyTSCITSSCI
出刊日期 201112




Is moral judgment universal or culture-relative? Is it dominated by emotional or cognitive processes? In order to address these perplexing questions, the authors propose a dual-process model and argue that: (1) moral judgment involves two kinds of psychological processes (an automatic process, which is sub-conscious and fast, and an elaborative process, which is conscious and time-consuming); (2) both processes contain emotional and cognitive components; and (3) moral judgment psychological processes are influenced by both biological-evolutional and social-cultural factors. Prospects for further studies of indigenous moral psychology and epistemological issues are discussed.
