
圖書資訊學刊 CSSCIScopusTSSCI

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篇名 鄉村地區老年人健康資訊需求與尋求行為之研究
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 A Study of Rural Elderly’s Health Information Needs and Seeking Behavior
作者 廖韋淳邱立安岳修平
頁次 155-204
關鍵字 鄉村地區老年人健康資訊需求健康資訊行為Elderly of Rural AreaHealth Information NeedHealth Information Seeking BehaviorTSSCI
出刊日期 201206


本研究以嘉義縣鄉鎮老年人為例,旨在瞭解鄉村地區老年人對於健康資訊之需求狀況,探 索鄉村地區老年人健康資訊相關尋求行為;同時進一步探討不同背景之鄉村地區老年人,其健 康資訊需求情形、重視程度及健康資訊獲取頻率之狀況。本研究採用問卷調查法,以立意抽樣 方式選取嘉義縣溪口鄉和梅山鄉兩社區之老年人實施問卷調查,共得有效問卷92份。研究結果 發現,多數鄉村地區老年人表示需要並且重視健康資訊,其中又以醫院看診與預防保健為最需 要及重要之資訊。受訪者主要自家人親友及電視媒體獲得健康資訊,很少主動尋求健康資訊, 若有健康問題則傾向直接就醫。此外,本研究也發現男性比女性有較高的醫院資訊需求,健康 資訊尋求取得較積極,年紀越大的老年人對健康資訊較不需要及不重視,而高教育程度者健康 資訊需求較高,從大眾傳播管道接觸健康資訊較頻繁。本研究進一步建議主管單位與健康促進 機構應正視鄉村地區老年人之健康資訊需求與行為,並提供更完善的健康資訊相關服務。


This study explored the health information needs and information seeking behavior of the rural elderly people in Chiayi County, Taiwan. Survey method was used and 92 valid questionnaires were collected for the analyses. The results showed that the majority of the rural elder people expressed the need for and attention to health information. ‘‘health service information’’ and ‘‘prevention health care information’’ were the most needed and important. Family, friends and television were the main channels for accessing health information. However, fewer respondents actively sought health information. When health problems occurred, they tended to seek direct medical treatment. This study also found that men were more attentive and active in seeking health information. Respondents over 75 years old rarely concerned about their health information need. People with more education were also more aware of their health information needs and more attentive to information disseminated via mass media.
