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篇名 以檸檬酸鈉作為分散劑與螯合劑搭配無電電鍍法合成銀銅殼核結構粉體之研究
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 Sodium Citrate as a Dispersant and Chelating Agent for Synthesizing Cu-Ag Core-shell Particles: Using an Electroless Plating Method
作者 彭御賢楊志豪李清華陳冠廷湯柏炘
頁次 001-009
關鍵字 銀銅殼核粉末無電電鍍抗氧化性Cu-Ag core-shell particleselectroless platingoxidation resistance
出刊日期 201206


影響進行探討,其中當檸檬酸鈉與銀之莫爾比為1.09 以及檸檬酸鈉與銅之莫爾比為0.25 時,
可於銅核上形成一緻密之銀層結構。由SEM 的圖片與SEM-EDS 之分析中可得知,本研究所合
究所合成之銀銅殼核粉末再經過350°C 4 小時之熱處理後具有與純銀十分相近之導電性質,且
於XRD 分析圖譜中並未發現任何氧化銅(-1 1 1)面與氧化亞銅(1 1 1)面之特徵峰訊號。


Cu-Ag core-shell particles with homogeneous silver layers were synthesized using electroless plating of Cu particles, silver sulfate, and sodium citrate as a dispersant and chelating agent in an aqueous system. This study investigated the influences of varied [sodium citrate]/[Ag] and [sodium citrate]/[Cu] molar ratios on Ag coatings of Cu powders. Ag film formed a dense coating on the surface of the Cu powders at a molar ratio combination of [sodium citrate]/[Ag]=1.09 and [sodium citrate]/[Cu]=0.25. SEM images showed a uniformity of Ag coatings on the Cu powders. SEM-EDS analyses also revealed that the Cu cores were covered by Ag shells on the whole. Measuring the oxidation resistance of the Cu-Ag core-shell particles revealed closer resistivity (6.25×10-4Ω‧cm); pure Ag (9.25×10-5Ω‧cm) without CuO (-1 1 1) and Cu2O (1 1 1) peaks were detected after 4 hr of 350°C heat treatment.
