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篇名 循跡式載具定位、變速及轉向角控制器之設計製作
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 Design and Implementation of a Positioning/Speed/Angling Controller for Use in a Line-Following Vehicle
作者 周立強程安邦鄭世灝
頁次 019-035
關鍵字 循跡式載具超音波測距line-following vehiclesensing distance with an ultrasonic sensor
出刊日期 201206


本文重點是以感測器測距方法整合布林代數演算法實作一控制器去實現循跡式載具其定位調整上之控制技術。載具之感測裝置係以光電開關感測循跡線,並分別運用超音波與光編碼器測距技術於載具行進時,迴授距離或位置及轉向角之設定狀態,以達到準確定位。載具之控制核心係採用可程式控制器(programmable logical controller, PLC),並以布林代數演算法演譯PLC 之程式邏輯及複合傳統繼電器迴路之線路邏輯作為主要核心電路。經測試結果顯示此方式之實現是可行,本文之技術方法可應用提供實現設計其他型式循跡自走載具感測及定位調整控制上的一個發展範例。


This paper presents the integration of a technique for sensing distance with sensors and a Boolean algebra algorithm to implement a controller for use in positioning-speed-angling control of a line-tracing vehicle. A vehicle was outfitted with four photosensors to detect black lines marked on the ground, to create digital input signals to a controller. An ultrasonic sensor added to the vehicle determined the distance between the vehicle and an object to provide input to the controller for speed and vehicle positioning. Two photo-encoders positioned by the rear wheels determined the distance the vehicle traveled to provide feedback for controlling the speed and angle of the vehicle. A programmable logical controller (PLC) was used as the control core for the line-tracing vehicle. A relay-based wiring logical circuit and a PLC-based programming logical circuit were deduced using a Boolean algebra algorithm and integrated as the primary core circuits. The performance results indicate that the technology works. The example can also serve as a case study to show how to design and implement a direction-speed-position controller for use in positioning/speed/angling control of other automated guideline vehicles.
