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篇名 實現以布林代數演算為基礎之可程式控制器適合作為循跡式小型載具其方向速度控制器之設計
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 Design and Implementation of a Boolean Algebra-Algorithm-Based Programmable Controller Suitable for Use in Direction-Speed Control of a Line-Following Vehicle
作者 周立強程安邦張邦彥
頁次 037-051
關鍵字 布林代數可程式控制器前輪導向後輪差速循跡式自走載具Boolean algebraprogrammable controller
出刊日期 201206


本文目的在於實現以布林代數演算為基礎之可程式控制器(programmable logical controller,PLC)作為前輪導向結合後輪差速之循跡式小型載具其方向速度控制器之設計。我們運用區塊化電路的觀念,首先以布林代數演算法演繹控制核心之接點邏輯電路,接著以閃爍及自保持之群組接點電路,整合控制核心內之接點邏輯電路,再有系統地轉譯為PLC 之階梯電路程式。經測試結果顯示此方式之實現是可行,且亦提供實現設計其他型式循跡自走載具方向速度控制器的一個發展範例。


This study designs and implements a programmable controller based on a Boolean algebra algorithm for use in direction-speed control of a line tracing vehicle with front-wheel-steering associated with a back-wheel differential mechanism. Based on the concept of grouping circuits, switching logical circuits in the control core were deduced using a Boolean algebra algorithm. The grouped switching circuits with flicker and keeping functions were then integrated into core switching logical circuits. Using this design procedure, the integrated switching logical circuits can be systematically converted to a program used for a programmable controller. The performance results indicate that implementation of such a methodology works. The example can also serve as a case study to show how to design and implement a direction-speed controller for other automated guideline vehicles.
