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篇名 以石墨奈米粒子為飽和吸收體之被動鎖模摻鉺光纖雷射
卷期 34:1=189
並列篇名 Graphite Nano-Particle Saturable Absorber Based Passively Mode-Locking Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser
作者 林泳詳林恭如
頁次 004-010
出刊日期 201208


石墨烯相關材料逐漸展現在被動鎖模摻鉺光纖雷射系統中作為飽和吸收體的潛力。我們首先使用研磨方法研發石墨奈米粒子,並分析石墨奈米粒子之拉曼光譜、吸收光譜與非線性吸收光譜。將此石墨奈米粒子直接塗抹於單模光纖端面,並與另一單模光纖連接,即可將此奈米粒子置於雷射共振腔內。使用此種簡易之物理製備方法,即可成功產生百飛秒級被動鎖模摻鉺光纖雷射,雷射中心波長為 1572 nm、雷射脈衝寬度與雷射光譜半高寬約為 660 fs 與 3.96 nm。


Graphene and graphite are currently intriguing materials showing potentials to be the saturable absorbers for passively mode-locking erbium-doped fi ber laser (EDFL). In contrast to previous demonstrations, the triturated graphite nano-particles are preliminarily used to serve as the saturable absorber in this work, the sizes of these host-solvent-free graphite nanoparticles are confi ned within 500 200 nm. The structural property of the graphite nano-particles is analyzed by Raman spectrum, and the optical properties such as linear absorption and nonlinear absorption are also investigated. To insert the graphite nano-particles into the EDFL cavity, the free-standing graphite nano-particles are directly brushed on the fi ber endface and connected with the other fi ber patch-cord. The saturable absorption process with suffi cient modulation depth can successfully induce the passively mode-locking EDFL. The central wavelength of the passively mode-locking EDFL is located at 1572 nm. The pulsewidth and the full-width at half maximum (FWHM) of the optical spectrum are 660 fs and 3.96 nm, respectively. This study indicates that the physical process can simplify the integration of saturable absorber. The graphite nano-particles can produce the comparable pulsewidth in 100s fs regime with the few-layer graphene when serving as the saturable absorber in EDFL cavity.

