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篇名 以石墨烯飽和吸收體產生穩定超短脈衝光纖雷射之研究
卷期 34:1=189
並列篇名 The Study of Stable Ultrafast Fiber Lasers Employing Graphene Based Saturable Absorbers
作者 黃碧鈴葉昭永鄭木海
頁次 011-020
出刊日期 201208


2004 年英國曼徹斯特大學研究團隊 Andre Geim 和 Konstantin Novoselov 成功從石墨中分離出石墨烯而證實其可以單獨存在,兩人也因此獲得 2010 年諾貝爾物理獎。石墨烯是目前世上最薄的材料,為已知材料於室溫下具最低電阻,具備幾近透明加上良好導電性。石墨烯不只應用在電子領域,更可廣泛應用在許多光電產業上,如太陽能電池、觸控面板、飽和吸收體等。本文探討不同製程石墨烯做飽和吸收體薄膜在超快光纖雷射系統中產生穩定的脈衝輸出,使得石墨烯可望有潛力成為低成本且可產生超短脈衝之飽和吸收體材料。


In 2004, the Manchester group, Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov,
extracted the graphene by using adhesive tape to repeatedly split graphite crystals into increasingly thinner pieces. This proved the existence of free-standing atoms; hence, they obtained the Nobel Prize in physics 2010. Graphene is the thinnest material in the world with
the lowest electrical resistance at room temperature among the materials, and it is highly transparent and a good conductor. Graphene is not only utilized in electric fi eld but also is now widely applied in optoelectronic industries,such as solar cells, transparent touch screens, and saturable absorber. We investigate the stable pulse output with
graphene based saturable absorber in ultrafast fi ber laser system. From our measured results, the graphene based saturable absorber may posses the potential a low cost mode locker in ultra-short pulse fi ber lasers.

