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篇名 低重複頻率高能量全正常色散摻鐿光纖短脈衝鎖模雷射
卷期 34:1=189
並列篇名 Low Repetition Rate and High Energy Mode-Locked Yb-Doped Fiber Laser in All Normal Dispersion Cavity
作者 林家弘朱家亮林鼎鈞
頁次 044-051
出刊日期 201208


波長在 1  m 左右的高能量短脈衝光纖雷射具有許多實際的用途。為了降低脈衝重複頻率以提高脈衝能量,我們在全正常色散環型雷射腔內熔接了 520 公尺長的單模光纖,產生了 365 kHz 低重複頻率的鎖模短脈衝雷射。當雷射的輸出耦合率為 80% 時,所產生的鎖模短脈衝具有相當寬的頻寬,預期可以應用在生醫檢測上;當雷射耦合率提高到 90%,最高輸出單一光脈衝的能量接近 100 nJ。在此雷射架構下我們也發現了 Q 開關鎖模的現象,透過 Q 波包調變可以進一步降低鎖模脈衝的重複頻率,增加光脈衝輸出的強度。


It is revealed that high-energy pulses from fiber lasers around 1  m has various practical applications. For this purpose, we have generated 365 kHz low-repetition-rate pulses in all-normal-dispersion Yb-doped fi ber ring laser by adding 520 m single mode fi ber in the laser cavity. With 80% output coupler, the spectral bandwidth of mode-locked pulse is relative wide, which can be used in biomedical diagnosis. In use of 90% output coupler, the highest energy pulse around 100 nJ has been experimentally demonstrated. Besides, Q-switched mode-locking was observed in this laser confi guration. By the modulating of Q-switching envelope, the repetition rate of mode-locked pulse can be further reduced to enhance the intensity of the output pulses

