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篇名 新穎單晶生長技術之開發
卷期 34:1=189
並列篇名 Research and Development of Growth Technology of Novel Crystalline Materials
作者 李居安陳晨龍王欽輝周明奇
頁次 052-061
出刊日期 201208


新穎單晶材料之開發為提升國內基礎物理研究水準、開創產業經濟價值,以期達到國際領先地位之重要發展方向,在國家長程發展目標中為不可或缺之關鍵指標。在國科會自然處及中山大學奈米研究中心的支持下,中山大學成立了尖端晶體材料聯合實驗室 (Taiwan Consortium of Emergent Crystalline Materials,TCECM),建置了各類晶體生長方法,所開發的各式新穎晶體可應用在雷射、光學、高溫超導、磁性單晶、生醫科技、高能物理、壓電晶體及發光二極體等不同領域,不但提供了學術研究上所需要的單晶材料,亦進一步技術移轉給工業界,提升其競爭力。未來,本實驗室希望能成為對內具領導性,對外具競爭力之國家級材料實驗中心。


Growth of single crystals is an important approach to explore the novel materials. With the strong supports of National Science Council and National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan Consortium of Emergent Crystalline
Materials (TCECM) was built on campus. Different growth furnaces are built to grow crystals which can be used in laser, optics, high-temperature superconductivity, magnetic single crystal, biomedical science and technology,high energy physics, piezoelectric crystal, and light emitting diode, etc. We do not only provide the single crystals
for academic researches but also transfer the technology to the industry. In the future, it is hoped that our laboratory becomes one of the most well-known crystal growth institutes in the world and bring up the international popularity of the crystal growth researches of Taiwan.

