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篇名 可攜式三維結構雷射雕刻系統開發
卷期 34:1=189
並列篇名 Development of Portable Laser Marking Syst for Three-Dimensional Structuring Applications
作者 曾釋鋒蕭文澤鍾健愷黃國政
頁次 062-071
出刊日期 201208


本研究以光纖二極體雷射 (波長 808 nm) 搭配光學/光機元件、雷射振鏡掃描系統、雷射能量輸出控制模組與人機介面,開發出一套應用於三維結構加工的可攜式雷射雕刻系統。雷射光束品質量測結果顯示,雷射光束經光纖準直器後呈現準直的 TEM00 模態,真圓度約 96%,雷射輸出功率隨脈衝重複頻率增加呈線性比例增加。振鏡偏擺角度控制計算結果得知,振鏡每掃描 1 mm 所需電壓值為 0.192 V,最大掃描場範圍為 100 mm  100 mm。當雷射脈衝重複頻率調整從 1 kHz 至 10 kHz,脈衝寬度分別從 530s 降至 48s。


This study aims to develop a portable laser marking system that consists of a fiber-optics diode laser with a wavelength of 808 nm, optics/opto-mechanical components, a laser scanning module, a laser energy control module,and a human-machine interface for fabricating three-dimensional structures. The measured results of laser beam quality revealed that the laser beam was collimated with TEM00 mode through a fi ber collimator and the roundness of laser beam was approximately of 96%. Moreover, the laser output power increased proportionally with increasing the pulse repetition rate. The defl ective angle of scanner mirrors was adjusted by using 0.192 voltage to obtain a scan distance of 1 mm, and the maximum scanning fi eld was 100 mm  100 mm. The pulse widths were ranging
from 530  s to 48  s when the laser pulse repetition rates were adjusted from 1 kHz to 10 kHz, respectively.

