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篇名 探索物質在極限環境之研究-大體積壓力機簡介
卷期 34:1=189
並列篇名 Studying Materials under Extreme Conditions-Introduction of Large Volume High Pressure Apparatus
作者 花柏榕簡淑櫻龔慧貞王雁賓
頁次 083-091
出刊日期 201208


大體積壓力機 (large volume press) 已被廣泛應用於不同科學領域及工業用途,例如行星科學、材料科學與開發新材料及超硬材料,是研究物質於極端環境下行為的利器。目前國內已有大體積壓力機,然而其相關簡介與技術要點仍未被詳細介紹,因此本文旨在介紹大體積壓力機的運作原理及實驗技術要點,且說明目前高壓研究與各領域的連結應用。


High pressure devices have provided another dimension in the working conditions, “pressure”, and have broadly employed in different research area and industrial applications, for example, planetary sciences, material sciences,and synthesis of novel materials and super-hard materials. In this article, we will introduce one of high pressure
devices-large volume press, which couple of them have been installed in different research institutes in Taiwan lately. The details of large volume presses will be presented, including their mechanical geometries and the principles of experimental techniques. The high pressure research implications also are illustrated.

