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篇名 建構臺灣醫療觀光永續發展策略評估模式
卷期 4:1
並列篇名 A Framework Model for Assessing Sustainability Strategy of Medical Tourism in Taiwan
作者 林進財黃雅鈴
頁次 001-018
關鍵字 醫療旅遊永續發展層級分析法Health tourismSustainable developmentAnalytic hierarchy processAHP
出刊日期 201203


醫療觀光(Medical Tourism)已成為一股新潮流,也帶來龐大的商機,在亞洲地區醫療觀光產業迅速發展,台灣亦致力於發展醫療觀光。然而發展醫療觀光所涉及的層面相當廣泛且複雜,面對四面環伺的競爭國家,台灣醫療觀光產業要達到永續經營更形艱難。是故,本研究採用層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP),收集產、官、學界對於台灣醫療觀光永續發展之相關研究,以進行台灣醫療觀光永續發展指標之建構、解釋與預測,確立永續性醫療觀光事業關鍵成功因素之評估指標,進而發展永續性醫療觀光的發展模式與推動策略。本研究共計回收12 份有效問卷,應用Expert Chioce 11 進行資料分析,研究結果發現,台灣醫療觀光產業永續發展以「醫療服務層面」為最關鍵影響構面,其他依序為「行銷溝通層面」、「管制架構層面」、「商業環境層面」與「觀光資源層面」;此外,於醫療觀光發展型態方面以「特色醫療型」最為適切,其次為「休閒觀光服務型」,最後是「長期治療型」。


The international medical tourism industry was promoted and became one of the world's fast-growing and important industries, Asia market especially. This shows the potential of the medical and healthcare market is still tremendous. As the competition of the business environment has been aggravating in Asia, the Taiwan’s sustainable development of medical tourism industry is generally extremely hard. In this study, the 12 experts are employed include the proprietors, agencies, and the experts both government official and academia. The assessment framework for sustainable
development strategies of medical tourism in Taiwan is established by literature review and Delphi method, moreover, employed questionnaire to collect the experts’ opinions and selecting the important sustainable development strategies of medical tourism industry in Taiwan. The data is analysis by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Expert Chioce 11. The result shows that the most important issue for sustainable development of medical tourism in Taiwan is “medical services level”, moreover, to developing a “distinguishing characteristic of medical tourism” is a key sustainable successes strategy to Taiwan.
