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篇名 國中綜合活動教師在教育情境中的行動選擇研究
卷期 33:2
並列篇名 A Study of Junior High School Integrated Activities Teachers' Action Decisions in Educational Situation
作者 張孟莉張景然
頁次 033-053
關鍵字 行動選擇教育情境綜合活動Action decisionsEducation situationIntegrated activitiesTSCI
出刊日期 201111


本研究旨在暸解國中綜合活動教師們在教學現場,面對教改政策、學校體制、和角色變動的衝擊與困境,並探索教師們身處課程變遷的教育情境中的行動選擇。本研究採質性研究的訪談法,資料來源以訪談記錄為主,並以研究者日記、對話插曲、校園田野記錄作為輔助資料來源。 本研究發現九年一貫課程實施至今,在教育理論政策面與教學執行操作面上有諸多不一致之處,此落差之處即教師們兩難猶豫之點,茲將研究結果分述如下:(一)在教學方式方面:理論政策上教育部倡導合科教學。執行操作上在校內師資普遍不足下,為求兼顧課程完整與專業自主,綜合活動教師通常選擇分科教學。(二)在角色定位方面:理論政策上倡導跨領域統整教學。執行操作上受訪教師們通常依據自己對課程的個人解讀或偏好專長,選擇自我認定的教材教法。(三)在秩序規範方面:理論政策上強調以學生為主體,希望提供學生從容自由的學習情境。執行操作上受訪教師們基於傳統管訓職責,或個人生活習性,多數教師在教學現場,仍慣性的擔任課堂秩序管理者的角色。最後根據研究結果分別對學校行政單位、學校綜合活動教師,及未來相關研究提出具體建議,做為落實九年一貫課程之參考。


This research aimed to examine the implementation decision Integrated Activity Teachers (I.A. teachers) in junior high schools. Using qualitative research methods, data was collected using interviews, researcher diary, field notes and episodes in educational situations. The major findings are as follow :(1) Course arrangemnt : Due to limited I. A. teachers, classes are allocated to non-I. A. teachers. Concerning about completing their courses and maintaining professional autonomy, teachers preferred teaching their course subject.(2) Role identification of I.A. teachers : Teachers interpreted the curriculum based on their own understanding or preferences, and used their own methods of instruction.(3) Classroom management : Most teachers were unconsciously influenced by traditional thinking or their individual personality and focused on classroom discipline.
