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篇名 使用體外標誌追蹤的多種呼吸方法的規律性分析
卷期 8:3
並列篇名 The Regularity Analysis for Several Type Respirations Coaching with a Noninvasive External Marker
作者 陳合興林佳福張振發林進清吳清德盧勇發
頁次 321-326
關鍵字 呼吸運動呼吸波形敘述統計One-Way ANOVAOrgan MotionRespiratory PatternDescriptive StatisticsOne-Way ANOVA
出刊日期 201209


呼吸運動在胸腔部位放射治療過程中是影響治療結果的一個重要因素,以引導的方式來使呼吸更加規律化有助於給予較理想的治療劑量,本研究目的在了解不同呼吸引導方式的引導效果是否有差異。研究中紀錄四種呼吸引導方式的呼吸波形來作為分析穩定度的資料。將五位受測者的呼吸波形資料針對週期、波峰位置、波谷位置三項參數做標準差分析,標準差越小表示呼吸過程中的變異越小呼吸越穩定。從敘述統計來看在週期穩定性上圖形導引比聲音導引有較好的效果,在波谷之穩定性上圖形導引及聲音暨自體呼吸回饋方法比聲音導引佳。為進一步了解呼吸導引方法在五位受測者的表現是否有統計上的差異,我們用 One-Way ANOVA 方法針對其標準差配對做統計分析,結果如表五所示其 p 值皆大於 0.05,從統計學上來看並無顯著之差異。本研究主要探討是否可以從幾種呼吸導引方法中區分出較有效之方法得到較規律之呼吸。從五位受測者之資料顯示因個人存在之特性差異並無法得到某中方法一定優於他種方法之結論。臨床上仍必須對個案作測試選擇較佳之呼吸導引方法。


Respiration can cause a severe problem of organ motion in radiotherapy, especially in 3D conformal, IMRT or
VMAT. We create four methods and try to find one which can direct patients to make a regular respiration and get a better
result of dose distribution. In our study we have recorded and analyzed the data of the period, wave crest and wave trough
of four respiratory patterns in five volunteers. In the procession the smaller deviation that it means the better stability of
respiration. In the descriptive statistics result shows that the map guidance is better than sound guidance in the stability of
the periods; Map guidance and sound with self respiratory feedback method is superior to sound guidance alone. We have
tried to analyze the deviation between the respiratory guidance of five volunteers by One-Way ANOVA method, and the
result shows the p value is great than 0.05 that has no significant difference in statistics. As a result of no significant
difference in statistics we can’t find a method is superior to the others, so we still need to try and build a respiratory
guidance for patients separately.
